2024 оны 04-р сарын 24

“Эрдэнэт хотын гамшигт тэсвэртэй байдал төсөл”-ийг хэрэгжүүлэх нэгжид ажилтан шалгаруулж авна.

Орхон аймаг Европын холбоо, Европын сэргээн босголт, хөгжлийн банктай хамтран хэрэгжүүлж буй “Эрдэнэт хотын гамшигт тэсвэртэй байдал төсөл”-ийн (Төслийн дугаар №50533) Төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх нэгжид Санхүүгийн удирдлага, худалдан авах ажиллагааны мэргэжилтэн  ажлын байранд нээлттэй сонгон шалгаруулалтыг зарлаж байна.

Төслийн зорилго нь хотын үерийн эрсдэлийг бууруулах, үерийн хамгаалалтын систем, гэр хорооллын усан хангамжийг сайжруулахад оршино.

Доорх ажлын зартай танилцаж, шаардлага хангасан хүн материалаа зааврын дагуу ирүүлнэ үү.

Terms of Reference and Qualification Requirements for the PIU staff for

the Erdenet Climate Resilience project

Orkhon aimag, with the support of the EU and EBRD, is implementing the “Erdenet Climate Resilience” project (50533). The purpose of the Project is to mitigate flood risk, improve flood protection system and water supply in ger area.

            Pursuant to the Clause 7.11.8 of the Appendix to the Decree No. 4 issued by Minister of Finance (MOF) in 2021, “Establishing project implementation unit and its structure”, Governor’s Office is now accepting applications for the following positions for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of “Erdenet Climate Resilience” project (50533).

The PIU will be supported by Project Implementation Support (PIS) consultants on technical aspects and the project management procedures. PIU will be staffed with (i) Project Coordinator and concurrently Project Engineer; (ii) Financial Management and Procurement Specialist/Office Assistant (iii) Monitoring and Evaluation specialist /responsible for Environmental/Social and H&S/.

Financial Management and Procurement Specialist/Office Assistant

Functional responsibilities

  • Collect financial data and documents to be provided under the Covenants stipulated by the Project, Loan and Grant Agreements from relevant stakeholders and authorities and timely provide them to the Bank (including the Orkhon Province’s annual budgets, detailed implementation reports of annual budget, audit opinions, etc.);
  • Maintain financial administration and accounting records (including systematic filing of all underlying documentation);
  • Liaise with stakeholders and ensure coordination on all Project accounting matters, participate in discussions, workshops, meetings, training activities related to financial management of the Project;
  • Assist in the negotiation process of all contracts for consultants, contractors and suppliers on financial matters, if required;
  • Liaise with authorities and prepare necessary documentation for addressing all tax issues, related with the Project (including tax exemptions, where relevant);
  • Prepare regular (quarterly, semi-annual, annual) and other reports on financial matters stipulated by the Project, Loan and Grant Agreements, in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank, and timely provide them to the Bank (including reports with regard to the use of the Grant and Loan Financing);
  • Verify invoices and other payment documents and assist in preparation of disbursement requests and their submission to the Bank;
  • Obtain annual external audits and organize the reporting system according to EBRD rules and procedures;
  • The Specialist will provide support to the PIU throughout the procurement process and assist the PIU to ensure that all procurement is carried out in full compliance with EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules – see https://www.ebrd.com/work-with-us/procurement/policies-and-rules.html
  • Ensure that all approvals and no-objections required from EBRD are applied for in a timely manner via ECEPP;
  • Carry out the administration of the tender process, ensure that appropriate records are kept, documentation is properly stored, recorded and managed, and confidentiality is maintained;
  • Assist in preparing draft responses to tenderer’s clarification requests, arrange for approval and issue and record the same;
  • Arrange any data rooms, site meetings, information meetings or other pre-tender events, and record same;
  • Collect comments from the Evaluation Committee and liaise with PIS consultant that these comments and concerns are adequately addressed;
  • Ensure that draft evaluation reports and clarification responses prepared by the PIS consultant are presented and informed to PIU and Evaluation Committee;
  • Provide support to the PIU in the supervision of the goods contract(s) and work contract(s), and assist the PIU to administer the signed contract(s) in accordance with the conditions of the contract (s) in coordination with PIS consultant;
  • Liaise with relevant stakeholders and authorities to ensure all required necessary local or sector licenses, permits or other approvals, including but not limited to licenses related to Site access, building permits for permanent and temporary works as appropriate are obtained;
  • Be responsible for office management including logistics.

Qualification requirements

  • A qualified professional accountant (ACCA, CIPFA, CA etc.) and at least a Bachelor’s degree in accounting or related field
  • A Master’s degree in Finance/Accounting will be an added advantage
  • At least four years of recent work experience in a professional environment. A working experience in a IFI/donor supported project would be an added advantage
  • Knowledge of Mongolian accounting and IFRS standards
  • Computer literacy, especially with the software of Microsoft Office suite is essential
  • Knowledge of English

Note: if any of above documents is missing, the candidate will be considered disqualified. The advertised position is open only to nationals of Mongolia.

If you meet the above requirements, please submit the necessary documents in a sealed envelope to the following address:

Attn: Suglegmaa D,

Specialist of Development Policy Planning and Investment Department, office #202, Governor’s Office of Orkhon province, Local Government House, Amar square, Bayan-Undur soum, 61020, Mongolia

Tel: 976-70359168

Deadline for submission: before 6:00pm, on 12 May, 2022.



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